That was the question that my client Judy and I were tasked with solving when she moved into a lovely new home painted entirely greige. Great layout and excellent quality, but far less colorful than her warm, welcoming personality would suggest.
We needed to make her new house feel like HOME.
In fact, Bellingham Alive magazine liked the transformation so much, they just published the project in their latest issue.
I find it very illustrative to share Before and After images, so I've include a few in this post. Photos visually tell the story of the transformation. Who was it that said "a picture is worth a 1,000 words"? (trivia answer: Napoleon Bonaparte)
Well then, let's get to it.
Before and After images:
I think we solved the personalization challenge beautifully.
It's warm, it's relaxed, and it is perfectly "Judy". Check, check, and check!
Designer sneak peek: These are the Mood Boards created when we launched the project
The guiding style words were "Place", "Touchable" and "Connection".
If you are looking for guidance on transforming your home into your personal oasis, I offer Design Consultations
This is a two-hour working meeting where we discuss your challenges, dive into your dreams, and start the process of putting it all together to help you achieve your goals.
Call me to set up your complimentary Discovery Call 206-794-0314.
- Robin